
Thursday, January 27, 2011

A YoYo Quilt Story

This is what I've been working on lately. It's a yoyo quilt top I rescued from the local antique mall (yes, the same one with that wonderful Tea Room in it!). I have been sewing all of the disconnected yoyos back together, and making new ones to fill in the spots where some are missing. I've never done yoyos before, but I am finding that they are very simple and right up my alley...They are quick to make, and you can do as many as you have time for (or as few, as is usually my case!)

I think I am going to add to this old quilt top until it is large enough to cover my dining room table, then I will ask Hubby for a piece of edged glass to cover it for my birthday. What do you think?

I LOVE fixing up old things. It makes me so happy to restore something to usefulness. I like to look at the different fabrics and wonder whose feed sacks or old dresses and shirts the pieces came from. Whose were the hands that wielded the needle that constructed this quilt the first time? Who stitched these few yoyos together with yarn instead of thread, and why? What was this piece used for? A table? A small bed? Or was it hung or a wall because it was intended as a quilt but never got finished? Old things are so interesting and if they could talk, I am certain they would have fascinating stories to tell. I feel very blessed to have found this sweet piece of handiwork and priviledged to be the one to restore it.

Let me know if you have any experiences with yoyo-ing (is that even a word? lol!) and PLEASE share a link if you have a post showing you working on a yoyo quilts (or any other kind of quilt).

To be continued...



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