
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Gingerbread Men, Kids, and Candy

Lady L. brought over some Gingerbread Men kits from Trader Joe's when they visited yesterday. I know, you are thinking "Christmas is over already" and "The last thing ten kids thrown together in a small house need is SUGAR!" and I agree with both of those statements, BUT since we are fun mommies who occasionally throw caution and our good sense out the window for the sake of making memories, our kids were able to have a MARVELOUS time decorating and eating those Gingerbread Men.

More candy, please!
Miss S. helps Ladybug apply icing...
They pause for a photo, then apply MORE icing...

I can't smile now, Mom. I am focusing on developing my decorating skills...

The mostly finished products look SCRUMPTIOUS (and happy)!

Beautiful job, guys and gals (and yes, these two did have a little help with the icing from Mommy;-).

Absolutely gorgeous, ladies! And they did it with NO help from the mommies.

Time to dig, er, bite in!! 
Here's a riddle: How many kids does it take to eat a gingerbread man? In this case, TEN.
(Sometimes all at once!)

Definitely worth the work and the waiting.

Even Baby Boo snitches an M&M or two.
 "Do you want some, Mommy?" they ask.  I love how willing our kids are to share.

I can't speak for Lady L., but I know I had a delightful time watching the children work together. Even the big kids had to pop in now and then to add (or eat) a candy or two. It was definitely a blessing to have this opportunity to let the kids have fun working on a project together, and to extend the holiday season just a little bit longer. Maybe I can convince them it would be just as much fun to fix the fences together, or clean my garage...What do you think?

Thanks for bringing the Gingerbread Men for us to enjoy, Lady L.. You are all the best of friends to all of us!



1 comment:

  1. That looks like so much fun! Let us know how the garage cleaning idea goes! Heehee!


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