
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sermon Sunday---Family Driven Faith

If you have seen my reading list on my right sidebar, you may have noted that one of my books for this month was Family Driven Faith by Voddie T. Baucham, Jr.. He was the keynote speaker at my oldest son's graduation ceremony last year and is a man I greatly admire. He is a fantastic preacher, and from what I have read in his book, he seems to be a wonderful father and husband, too. I highly recommend the book. I have both enjoyed reading it and learned a lot from it.

I found a collection of some of his sermons on the link I am sharing with you HERE, for Sermon Sunday. I hope you will listen to one, or a few of them. I can tell you with confidence that they will be worth your while. I think my favorite is The Centrality of the Home in the Evangelism and Discipleship of the Next Generation, so if you only have time to listen to one of them, you might wish to start there.

I pray you had a blessed Thanksgiving with your loved ones, and that you found much for which to be grateful. I also pray that you have a pleasant and productive week as we look towards Christmas and the celebration of the gift of our Lord and Savior's birth.



1 comment:

  1. I'm not a huge reader of non-fiction, but I read this book this year and I LOVED IT! I think every Christian family should read this book. It's THAT GOOD! I'd love to hear him speak sometime.


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