
Monday, November 15, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

Our week is looking to be a busy one (as usual!). We have two doctor’s visits, a handyman coming by mid-week, and I have a review due today, so I am trying to keep it simple. To me, simplicity is part of the definition of the word “crockpot,” so I am working a few of those recipes in this week. Tex, Hubby, and the kids also each put in a request, which I will fit in for sure. I had fun perusing my cookbooks and online resources today for about half an hour.

Do you like looking at cookbooks, too? It is one of our favorite things, for both girls and boys. Now the boys look at slightly different cookbooks than the girls (think Alton Brown instead of Southern Living and Better Homes and Gardens), but we all enjoy the hunt and reward of finding a true “keeper.”

In any case, here’s what I came up with:

Monday: Crockpot Enchiladas. I couldn’t find a recipe I liked 100%, so I made one up with everything I wanted. It turned out great! I am planning to serve this with Spanish rice, lettuce, tomato, and sour cream on the side.

Tuesday: We will be out of the house on this day while some work is done on the house, so we will be having dinner with Nanny and Poppy.

Wednesday: Tex has requested a recipe I barely remember making, but I’d better figure out what I did fast! He wants Crockpot Pizza Pasta. He said he remembers that it was delicious! (How could I have lost track of something like that?) I will post the recipe once I figure it out.

Thursday: BBQ Chicken, scalloped potatoes, corn, and salad.

Friday: Pizza night. Our favorite order-out pizza is from Dominoes, two medium two topping pizzas for $5.99 each. We order one with white sauce, pineapple, and ham, and the other with red sauce, bacon, and ham. We always ask them to double-cut it into sixteen slices so the pieces are easier to handle for little ones. We also waste less pizza that way.

Saturday: We recently found my quesadilla maker, so the kids are raring to try it out. We will probably stick to cheese quesadillas, with a side of refried beans, salsa, and sour cream.

Sunday: While hunting for Crockpot Enchilada recipes, I came across a good one for Crockpot Mac and Cheese, so I will start that before we leave for church, then Hubby will grill Nathan’s hot dogs when we get home to go with it.

I still owe the kids a batch of caramel apples, and they have been clamoring for cookies, so hopefully I will find time to accomplish both of those things this week.

I hope your week is a delicious one.



1 comment:

  1. great plan
    i linked up too
    i need to look through my recipe books as i would like to make some changes in our kitchen and have a happy family :)


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