
Monday, November 8, 2010

Menu Plan Monday---November 8th-14th

Life has been crazy the last month with birthdays and school. I have fallen behind on my weekly planning, and noticed the difference, so I am going to attempt to get back on track this week.

Monday---An indoor picnic of cold fried chicken, pasta salad, cheddar slices, fruit salad, and crackers.

Tuesday---Nacho night. The kids love the simplest things. We take a can of Hormel chili with no beans, heat it up with some Velveeta, and serve it with tortilla chips, lettuce, tomatoes, and sour cream. It couldn't be easier to fix and it fills them up nicely. Nobody ever leaves the table hungry or unhappy.

Wednesday---Garlic chicken, au gratin potatoes, salad, and rolls.

Thursday---A busy day with many errands and a fun treat for Ladybug, in honor of her recent 7th birthday. Most of my kids will be visiting their grandparents while I take Ladybug out to tea with her friend and her friend's mother. We will hopefully even have a bit of time to wander the antique personal decorating style is "other people's old stuff." LOL. I will be honest here and say that we will probably drive thru somewhere with a dollar menu on the way home (or use saved up coupons to Chick fil a).

Friday---Pizza and a movie night. Homemade pizza this week. Ice cream for dessert. Anyone seen the new Karate Kid movie and have thoughts about it they'd care to share?

Saturday---Burgers and fries. If it's warm enough and not raining, Hubby will do the burgers on the grill. I think they are best that way, don't you?

Sunday---Quesadillas, refried beans, and Spanish rice.

I hope you have a splendid week.



**By the way, you can visit Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie to see the linky list of other Menu Plan Monday participants so you can check out their menu plans. Many include great recipes. Laura also posted some nice Thanksgiving printables you might want to download and do with your kids, if you have time, as you prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday season.

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