
Monday, October 4, 2010

Menu Plan Monday---October 4th-10th

Monday: Hey, baby, it's cold outside (and windy, too)! Mama's in the mood for chili soup and biscuits with lots of butter and blackberrry jam. Daddy's on swings, so we don't have to worry about making one pot of chili Texas style (and HOT!) and the other mild for us non-Texans.

Tuesday: Homemade Chicken Pot Pie served with fruit cocktail.

Wednesday: Alfredo Tuna Noodle Casserole as per Tex's request (since he is the birthday boy today... Happy birthday, Tex!) served with corn on the cob and applesauce. Brownies, topped with lots of ice cream and hot fudge for dessert. Tex is having friends over for the weekend, so the celebration today will be small. More fun to come on Saturday.

Thursday: Hamburger soup served with a side salad and biscuits.

Friday: We have a funeral to attend, and are helping with the reception afterwards, so it is likely we won't be home until late. I think we will probably either have sandwiches for dinner or pick up something from a drive-in dollar menu. I will be making hot wings for the reception.

Saturday: Pizza Party and Star Wars movie marathon for the birthday boy. The little ones will be going with Daddy to their cousin's birthday party, while I am the movie monitor and pizza pick-up person. Homemade chipwich ice cream sandwiches for dessert.

Sunday: Another try at using that London Broil. We never got around to it last week. I don't remember what we did instead, but I am sure it was not as good as this will be once we make it. Seasoned new red potatoes and green beans almondine on the side. Served with French Bread and butter.

I am warming up just typing this in. I can't wait to eat it all. I am looking forward to bringing out all of our favorite cold weather foods in the coming months, aren't you?

Blessings for a wonderful week,


1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to break out the crock-pot! It's gotten mighty chilly here in the midwest!


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