
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sermon Sunday---What to Expect From a 12 Year Old

Today I was very impressed by Tex's sweet natured brotherly love as he followed his younger siblings around Busch Gardens with us, never complaining that he wasn't getting to do any of the more exciting rides, such as the roller coasters. He accompanied each of them as needed on rides (waiting in lines up to a half hour long), put them on and took them off of other rides, followed them around the play areas, and even put Boo up and down the slide about thirty times (in a huge theme park, the slide was Boo's favorite "ride"...go figure!)

Did you notice Tex is signing "I love you?" I just saw that when I went through the photos tonight.
I love you, too, Tex!

I think he is growing into a very nice young man. I am quite proud of him. Thank you, Tex, for being such a great son. In honor of his service to his siblings (and yes, Mom did take charge of the little ones on her own at the end of the day, allowing Dad and Tex tseveral hours to ride the coasters and get thoroughly soaked on Roman Rapids), I am sharing with you two of my favorite sermons by SM Davis on What to Expect from a Twelve Year Old and The Influence of Older Children Over Younger Ones. Tex seems to be learning the lessons of these all important early years well, and I think the advice given in these sermons has helped us be better parents and him to be a better brother (though God gave him awfully good raw material to work with!). These two topics can be so pivotal, yet often get ignored.

You can download the sermon sheets to go with each of these sermons HERE. Just scroll down until you find the appropriate title (they are listed alphabetically). Please, listen to the "What to Expect..." sermon with your children, especially your ten to twelve year olds. It can be attitude changing...maybe your attitude toward what you expect of your emerging young adult, or maybe your child's attitude toward what they feel they are capable of doing.

Leave me a comment if you have any thoughts on either sermon, or if you want to mention how your older children have been a blessing to their younger siblings lately. I love to hear your sweet stories and share them with my kids!

It was a busy day today. A special family day, full of fun and love. I hope your Sunday was special, too.



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