
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sermon Sunday---Introduction to Theology

I just discovered this incredible resource and couldn't wait to use here it is, on Sermon Sunday.

It's not exactly a SERMON today. Instead, it is a whole collection of CLASSES you can use. This comes from, an online ministry, and sponsor of the free online NET Bible. Apparently, they also sponsor a multitude of FREE online classes (in fact, they have a complete Theology Program). I looked around a bit today, and let me tell you, it all looks GOOD. I also noticed that they have a large selection of theological essays from many contributors available for your perusal, and a forum (that requires sign-up for participation) if you are a person who prefers discussion to a solitary learning experience.

This week, I am going to listen to the classes from the Introduction to Theology series. I watched one today, Postmodern Epistemology, and it was loooong...a whopping 80 minutes or so. It was also very good. Essentially, it was a recorded class session of two teachers team teaching, and the answers to class questions at the end.

You may wonder why I chose that particular class, and not even Session One to start. Well, I was listening to an online sermon from Dr. Danny Forshee, who used to be the preacher at my parent's church. His topic was Proclaiming the Gospel to the Postmodern World, and as a consequence, I wondered if I could find more information on Postmodernism, so I could be sure I really understood what it was.

What I found were these two essays on the site: A Clash of Cultures: Evangelism in a Postmodern World I and A Clash of Cultures: Evangelism in a Postmodern World 2, which were interesting enough to lead me to the Postmodern Epistemology class, which in turn led me to the entire Introduction to Theology class. During my "tour" of the site, I discovered that some of the classes have additional readings, some have handouts, some offer Powerpoint presentations for download, and the one I watched provided both video and audio.

In any case, I am going to enjoy working through this class this week (and probably beyond) in an informal manner. I was thinking that if you had a student who was interested, this could be made an intensive class by downloading and using the available student notebook (you can find this on the class introductory page), adding some journaling exercises, and having the student complete the two quizzes that are also available on the introductory page.

Here is a link to the homepage, as well as a link to their doctrinal statement. If you can find the time, you really should go look around their Curriculum Page. You never know, you might find something you'd be really excited to use.

Blessings to you for a wonderful week,


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