
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Firefly's Story---You're Three Years Old!

In honor of your birthday, I thought it would only be fair to tell your story, since I told Cowboy's story on his.
Your story is so interesting, Firefly. It's quite an adventure.

It all started in Florida, where we were living when Daddy was transfered and had to work in far away Washington (state) for the Navy for ten months. He did come home for a Christmas visit, and during that visit we decided we would try to sell our house, so we could move to live near Nanny and Poppy, hoping he'd get transfered there when he was done in WA.

Thankfully, Daddy was transferred to a place near our new house, and he moved in with Nanny and Poppy. Unfortunately, by that time it was almost your due date (about six weeks before), and our house in Florida had still not sold, so Poppy and Daddy came for a visit, and we packed a lot of our stuff and loaded up a big moving van.


 We also loaded a trailer with our two horses, two potbellied pigs, three dogs, and two cats. Then we loaded up my car with the kids (Bubba, Tex, Ladybug, and Cowboy), and headed out of town. Imagine how excited we were when a few hours down the road, Mommy got a call on her cell phone, and our real estate agent told us we had gotten an offer on our house! What perfect timing...God's timing. I guess He was just waiting for us to be out of the house before it sold. We negotiated the offer and agreed on the sale while driving.

We had to stop for the night at a hotel because it was an almost twenty hour drive with the loaded down horse trailer and moving van. We stopped near an Equestrian Center, where the big boys (Daddy and Bubba) camped out for the night with the animals. Mom and the kids stayed cozy in a nice hotel room and had a delicious hot breakfast! The next day, we left to drive the rest of the way. Fortunately, the trip had few problems, other than being a long one. By the time we arrived at your grandparents' house, I was exhausted and went to bed, while poor Daddy had to unload the trailer at the storage facility, set up pens for the animals, and return the trailer (which he did the next day). The next day I was very tired and rested most of the day. That night I woke up feeling terrible and wound up telling Daddy we needed to go to the hospital to get checked.

It's a good thing we went, because it turns out I was in labor, even though it was six weeks early. I guess the trip just made you want to arrive, too! And arrive you did, without any trouble or problems (except for having to sign a sales contract for the house while I was in labor!). In spite of being an absolutely for sure six weeks early, you were perfectly formed and ready to meet everyone. Oh, you were so pretty, so sweet, and so tiny. For about a week, we had some difficulty regulating your temperature and had to be extra careful that you didn't get too cold, but that just gave us all a good excuse to hold you often and cuddle with you.

We still love to cuddle with you, sweet Firefly. You are the most precious little lady, and the apple of our eyes. We so appreciate your helpful spirit, your grateful heart, and your spunky tenacity. And now, since we have Baby Boo, you aren't the littlest one anymore, and you are becoming a wonderful big sister, playing with Boo and showing him how to do many things. We all love to watch you guys play together and pray that all of you will be best of friends forever.

We love you so much, dear one. You are in our thoughts and prayers always. You are our sweet little lady, Firefly, and growing so much every single day. Just don't grow up too fast...

Hugs and Kisses and lots of sqeezes.




  1. This is so sweet. This is a beautiful idea-sharing with your child their story. You have so much great info here on your blog. I'm going to add you to my list so I can come back and check out your homeschool links.

  2. What a precious idea. What a wonderful post!



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