
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Trip to Midwest---Day Twelve---Story City Carousel

A long standing tradition of our trips to the Midwest to see my relatives has been a visit to the antique carousel in Story City. It is something I have been doing with my kids since my oldest son, age 19, was a baby.

Story City is a charming town, full of Scandanavian history, and a place I wouldn't mind living, if it weren't for the COLD winters in Iowa.

The beautifully restored Story City Antique Carousel is almost 100 years old, and has animals of all kinds on it, from the usual prancing horses, to crowing roosters, rotund pigs, and friendly dogs that whirl and twirl to the merry tunes played on an old calliope.

Milo enjoyed his ride on a pig.

My youngest children loved it as much as their older brother always did, and each one enjoyed four rides, thanks to the bargain price for a twenty ride ticket and the fact that the youngest ones were free. I am so grateful for precious moments such as these and the sweet memories that go with them.

Cowboy had a hard time waiting for us to buy tickets.
He and Milo look on wistfully.
 I told him the fact that the rides that were given were so long was
a GOOD thing, because it meant his ride would be long, too, and it was.

Baby Boo wasn't sure what to think of it at first, but warmed up to the colors and the music pretty quickly.

The ladies loved their first rides. Firefly had never been on a carousel 
before and Hubby was a bit nervous about her falling off, but she did
fine with him sitting next to her.


Cowboy LOVED his ride on the rooster. He liked it so much
he had to crow.
Next time around he rode a dog. Of course, he had to bark.

Tex is such a good big brother. He rode alone on a horse once, then he took Firefly on the spinning cup. They both laughed like crazy and wobbled when they got out.

I'm not sure who had more fun...the kids or the grown ups. Here are Poppy and Nanny with Boo and Cowboy. This is a picture of Boo's first ride ever. Then Mommy got to take him for a spin. What fun!

In the end, we all had a grand time. It was a special trip to a special place. These simple, but priceless moments are a part of the cement that holds a family together.

We are so very blessed!

Thank you, Story City Antique Carousel and the wonderfully friendly volunteers who were so kind to us. God bless you all.

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