
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sermon Sunday---What Do You Believe?

This was the view from the Silver City Memorial Park tonight.

The view from this hilltop is absolutely breathtaking. It is the final resting place for several generations of my relatives. At least, it is the final resting place for their earthly bodies. If you believe in the Bible (and I do) and love Jesus, and know your relatives did, too (and I believe mine did), then visiting a Memorial Park is a peaceful way to remember loved ones who have gone on ahead of us to be with their Lord and Savior.

When I saw how this photo turned out, I thought of the song 
I Can Only Imagine by Mercy Me.
Doesn't it take your breath away and make you want to fall to your knees?

I can't imagine how folks who do not believe in the truth of God's Word, or accept His free gift of salvation feel when they visit cemeteries or think about loved ones who have died. What hope is there for them? Not much. To this point, I have not lost anyone close to me whom I did not believe to be saved. I am very fortunate for that. I hope that all of my loved ones will come to know Christ before it is too late.

Being able to talk about Jesus to family, friends, and even complete strangers, is a very important thing...knowing the important points of your faith and being able to defend it, share it, and explain it is something we all need to be able to do.

This week's sermon is by Dr. Charles Stanley of In Touch Ministries.
This links you to the video version of this sermon.

Here are the sermon notes, if you like to follow them as you listen.
These notes are awesome and worth printing up.

I think what you believe DOES matter...a lot...and not only does it matter to know what you believe, but you should be able to explain why...without a moment's hesitation or doubt.

We have already had several opportunities to share about different aspects of our faith on this trip, so this is what is on my mind today. You never know when the Lord will put an opportunity to share your faith in your path, and you don't want to be caught unprepared, so do a little thinking this week about what you would say if someone asked you the all important important question, "Where does your faith/hope come from?"

I hope you enjoy this Sermon Sunday. Please listen and study along with me and leave some thoughts on the topic in the comments section.

I hope you had a pleasant Sunday with your family. I did.

Blessings to you and yours,


PS. Happy birthday, Grandma and Great Uncle Jim. We love you.

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