
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Need Motivation in Your Homeschool? Try Expo to Go!

I am an educational conference junkie. I could listen to lectures on homeschooling and Christian topics every day and not get tired of it. At least, I think I wouldn't get tired of it. I have never had the leisure to discover if this is, in fact, true. But I have listened to A LOT of seminars. For example, I attended the last three years of my state's homeschool convention and have gotten the CDs for two of them.

I know I have listened to most of the lectures on the 2008 set (which was a free gift for my deployed hubby, thanks to the state homeschool group), and to about half on the 2009 set (which I had to buy since I missed most of the lectures I wanted to hear due to my oldest son's graduation).

I also have sets from Dr. Wile, David Barton and other Worldview Weekend speakers, Diana Waring, Cindy Rushton, Shelly Hendry, Doug Wilson, Susan Wise Bauer, Gregg Harris (my favorite), SM Davis (over 150 sermons on one MP3 dvd...awesome!!), and others too numerous to mention. That is why, when the Old Schoolhouse Magazine Expo and Expo to Go offer came through my mailbox, I got very excited.

Just what I needed to refocus my energies on homeschooling after a long summer break. ;-)

Here is the information you will need to find out more about the online Schoolhouse Expo and the Expo-to-Go. Sign up and join me and my oldest homeschooler (he will be participating in the special Teen Track lectures) on an inspiring and refreshing adventure in October!

It's back to homeschool time and registration is open for the online Schoolhouse Expo, October 4-8. It's five days of top homeschool speakers, fellowship, and fun door prizes. Don't forget, MP3 copies of each session comes with your LIVE event ticket.

You'll be inspired by speakers including: Zan Tyler, Dr. Jay Wile, Jeannie Fulbright,Carol Barnier, Diana Waring, Todd Wilson, Davis Carman, Kim Kautzer, Lee Binz, and many more!

The theme this fall is "Celebrate Homeschooling!" We're going to celebrate the unique blessings of homeschooling, the beginning of another school year, our families, and the freedom to tailor our children's education to best meet their needs.

Two special preconference shows on August 24 and September 21 with Dr. Jay Wile, Jeannie Fulbright, and Kim Kautzer.

A special teen track is planned--the entire family will definitely want to listen to these special sessions. We've also planned a special focus on a topic that touches every homeschool--writing. Plus, an array of other topics that will inform and inspire you throughout your homeschooling years.

And as if that isn't enough to make you want to sign up right now, if you do, you can save $5 per ticket! Register by midnight August 22, and you'll pay only $19.99. Plus you'll receive over $200 in FREE E-Books.

If you cannot make the LIVE event, then the October Expo-To-Go is just your ticket! You'll reserve MP3s from all of the workshops. This week only, pay just $14.95!


Click HERE to check out the FREE GIFTS (if you order before midnight on August 22nd) and the SPEAKER LINEUP (click through the pictures for lecture topics).


Click HERE to visit the Expo's "Virtual Vendor Hall" if you want the "complete" Homeschooling Conference!

Sign up SOON so you don't miss a thing!! I hope to "see" you there!



*I am receiving complimentary Expo-to-Go tickets in exchange for my post. All opinions expressed on this blog are mine, however, and I sincerely do believe that homeschooling seminars and conferences are a great way to motivate and inspire both teachers and learners. I highly recommend that you participate in this online seminar series (or one like it) in any way you can. You will be glad you did.
**If you sign up, or have attended online conferences before, please leave me a comment and tell me about your experiences. You never know, I might want to buy the recordings...

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