
Monday, August 30, 2010

Menu Plan Monday---August 30-September 5

Can you believe it is going to be September? The time just flies. In September, my four year-old turns five and my two year-old turns three. The days, months, and years are passing too quickly.

It was a much better week weather-wise in our neck of the woods. Yesterday afternoon, it was actually only 70 degrees around five pm. So much cooler than the previous weeks...we all hung out outside and gloried in God's creation!

Of course, this week, Hurricane Earl is projected to travel up our way. Hopefully, he will not actually make landfall, but the tides will likely still be high. Maybe I should plan seafood for Thursday and Seriously though, the last two Nor'easters that have impacted our area turned our humble abode into not only waterfront property, but an island. I really should have tried fishing off of our deck. I might have really caught something.

I will be spending some time this week with hurricanes on my mind battening down the hatches (ie. the garage and barn), just in case. They both need a good cleaning out anyway, and hubby has agreed to trade vehicles so I can load up his truck with trash during the day, so he can run it to the dump when he gets home.

Busy-ness in mind, I plan to keep our menu simple. Plus, my dishwasher is on the fritz...well, my automatic dishwasher, that is. I have been doing two large sinkfulls a day and it's getting tiresome! I will never take my dishwasher for granted again.

Our Menu Plan for the Week:

Monday: Tuna salad on a bed of lettuce with tomatoes, crackers, and cheese slices, freshly sliced perfectly ripe pears on the side (we have tons of them) and watermelon for dessert (we have a few of these, too.)

Tuesday: Easy chicken casserole. One dish to wash. Served on paper plates. Pear sauce on the side (our alternative to applesauce, since our pear trees did better than the apple trees this year...this week's flavor is pear-cinnamon, last week's was pear-strawberry...yum.)

Wednesday: Taco night. Add Mexican rice and refried beans, and it's a meal we all love. Don't forget plenty of sour cream and salsa on the side.

Thursday: I am anticipating a killer migraine because of the storm, so I will be prepared with a handy dandy Stouffer's Lasagne and a bag of salad w/tomatoes added. Not economical, I know, but Tex and Ladybug can make this meal, in case I can't. I will let the kids finish any yogurt pops or popsicles in the freezer tonight, just in case the power goes out. I hope this Earl-thing fizzles out in the Atlantic. We just got our yard looking nice after our trip. Hubby worked so hard this weekend. Thanks, honey!

Friday: Assuming it's business as usual here, Friday is pizza and a movie night. Have you tried Dominoes new pizza yet? The crust is amazing. The kids are loving the pizza with white sauce (instead of marinara), ham, and pineapple. Yum.

Saturday: I think we are going to the Living Museum with my brother and his family today. I imagine we will eat with them. If my folks are home from their Midwest trek, we may turn this excursion into a birthday celebration for Cowboy. I am going to hang loose on this one and see where the day takes us. We can always do tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches, if we wind up being at home. Ladybug loves to help with that. She's a dandy bread-butterer and soup-stirrer.

Sunday: How about pot roast, carrots, and potatoes cooked in the crockpot with French onion soup and beef boullion all day? If I start it before we leave for church (this is the week we drive over an hour each way to go to the family-integrated service at a different church), it will be just right when we get home for dinner. I will make an extra large batch of brownies to take with me to the after-service pot luck.

I hope your week is full of blessings and that you stay safe and dry (especially if you are anywhere the severe weather is potentially projected to hit).

Until next week,


1 comment:

  1. Hi Heather! Thank you so very much for your kind words and for becoming my "Official 2nd Follower" Yay!

    I'm sorry it's taken me until now to respond back. I completely forgot to set up to have an email sent to me when I receive a comment. I didn't even know I had any and was so excited to see a few.

    It is truly amazing the wonderful feelings we have about homeschooling already. I know there will be challenging days indeed but knowing in my heart and soul that this is what I should be doing will help me get through those days. It is ones like yourself that share your knowledge and experiences that have given me so much courage and much more confidence.

    I hope you have a wonderful Labor Day weekend :)


Your comments are a blessing to me. Thank you. I hope you visit again soon!