
Monday, June 28, 2010

Blog Walking---Week Three

Here are the links for this week's blog walk. I am enjoying visiting new blogs each week, and joining the ones with authors whose educational philosophy seems similar to mine. I am even picking up a few followers myself, since some folks have a courtesy policy of joining anyone's blog who connects to theirs. Awesome! (and thank you!).

With our heat index up near the hundreds today, it is a fine day for catching up on a little indoor "exercise." I hope you will join me on this walk. I'd love to have a bit of friendly conversation about it, so if you have a comment about some gem you find, please feel free to leave it. At lease wave when you pass by!

1. All American Family

2. Growing Fruit---if you have an autistic child, this blog may be for you. Even if you don't, you should check out some of her thoughts. She's quite fun. So is her autistic son. He reminds me of my friend's autistic boy who walked up to me the other day and said, "You are Superwoman. Can you fly?" He's awesome!
3. Learning to Teach

4. Stairsteps Homeschool Academy

5. Kingdom Academy

6. Living Sola Gratia

7. Wynfield Christian Academy

8. The Cow Queen-- I wish she could send some of her cows' hay over here for my horses. Or at least just the haying machine!

9. Peace Creek on the Prairie--She has six kids, just like I do. She is co-hosting an online book study group called Holy Housewives. You should jump over to her blog and check it out. They just started studying Holy Housewives by Jennie Chancey and Stacy McDonald on June 21st, so you haven't missed much. This sounds like a lot of fun. If I can find a copy of the book, I think I will join up, too.

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