
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

All Cheer for All Bran Muffins!

We made All Bran Muffins this morning for breakfast. I have to say they turned out GREAT! I tweaked the original recipe a bit (I always do...I am bad that way) and halved the oil for more applesauce. The muffins were very moist. Yummmm. We only made six jumbo muffins instead of twelve regular muffins, and perhaps that helped up the moistness. I definitely need to make these once a week. Maybe a double batch next time, though. I'll post the recipe later. You will want to try this one.


  1. I LOVE trying new bread/muffin/scone recipes so I look forward to your recipe!
    Stopping by from the Homeschool Crew~ looking forward to reading through some of your posts.

  2. Oh~ and I (and my daughter) are soooo jealous about the horses!!!

  3. Thanks for stopping by, Denise. I am going to try your scone recipe! Speaking of stopping by, if you are ever in Tidewater VA, you stop by here and we'll take the girls for a ride!


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