
Monday, June 14, 2010

Blog Walking---Week One

There are over 200 members of the 2010-2011 TOS Homeschool Crew. That is a LOT of bloggers, homeschoolers, excited reviewers, potential friends...

One way to get to know them all (in a small way) and to see what other folks out there are doing with what they have is to take a weekly "Blog Walk" of ten of the Crewmember's blogs.

Here is the list for Week One. I hope you will enjoy "walking" with me.

1. Reaping a Harvest

2. Pink & Orange Coffee

3. Live, Laugh, Learn!

4. Mrs. Mandy's Musings

5. The Fantastic Five

6. Refined Metals Academy

7. Just A Moment in Time

8. Providence Farm

9. My Journey

10.Petra School

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